The Times of Strong Delusion–Part I

2Thessolonians 2:9-11

The coming of the lawless one is (A)according to the working of Satan, with all power, (B)signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among (C)those who perish, because they did not receive (D)the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And (E)for this reason God will send them strong delusion, (F)that they should believe the lie,

These are indeed interesting times in which we live. A time in which truth is hard to come by. Don’t turn to the mainstream media, or to politicians, religious leaders, or government institutions because you won’t find it there. There is an obvious agenda in play. As I write this post, the world is being lied to about an enemy that cannot be seen. A contrived enemy called COVID-19. A virus so deadly (we are being told) that the world must be masked and vaccinated with a drug that is not even a vaccine. It is an experimental biological operating system being pushed by pharmaceutical companies.

Please note that the word pharmaceutical comes from the root word pharmacy which is derived from the Greek word, pharmakeia. “The KJV translates Strong’s G5331 in the following manner: sorcery”. It also connotes the meaning– magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. So this sorcery performed by the drug companies is deceiving many. It is deceiving people I thought would be able to see through it. You can check  out the word pharmakeia for yourself by going to this link:

Right now, as I write this, people the world over are being conned, hoodwinked and deluded into shooting this drug (MRNA so-called vaccine) into their veins. The drug makers have finally released a list of what is in the drugs, but just up until recently no third party has evaluated those claims. So those getting the shot cannot be sure what they are being given. It’s the Tuskegee Experiment all over again, except this time the experiment is worldwide. 

But isn’t that strange? Who in their right mind would take this shot and not even question what is in the injection. Sadder than that, I perceive that those taking this jab don’t seem to care what is in the shot. They just want to be saved from some invisible monster called COVID-19. People who are normally thoughtful and intelligent are willing to have a needle shoved in their arm and they refuse to even question what is being pumped into their bloodstream. Why? How can this be? Fear perhaps, or maybe it’s something worse.

Do these people, especially our people, just believe whatever the government or the pharmaceutical companies tell them?  Apparently, they do not watch television. Because if they did they would have seen the countless ads broadcast by personal injury lawyers begging people to contact them because of pharmaceutical malpractice. These medical malpractice lawyers make billions of dollars off of pharmaceutical companies who knowingly introduce unsafe drugs to the market that harm or kill people.

Back in February of 2020 when news of this so-called pandemic broke, I was skeptical. And as I began to sidestep the government and mainstream media narrative, I began to notice something. The first thing I questioned was why the medical establishment was trying to get people to wear face coverings. I could not then or even now, find where the CDC or any other institution specified technical requirements for face coverings. In fact, we were told that almost any face covering would be sufficient. You could wear a scarf over your face and that would be sufficient. You could wear a handkerchief. You could wear a plastic shield. It didn’t matter, as long as you covered your face. To me this was just mind-boggling. Think about it…a mask mandate but no specs for mask filtration efficiency. Are you kidding me?

But beyond this, anyone who has had a basic course in high school biology knows that most masks cannot filter out virus particulates. The particulates are just too small. So why would the government mandate the wearing of masks? I mean surely they know all this. Then it began to dawn on me. It wasn’t about the masks being used for protection against viruses. No. This was symbolic. They were saying to the public, “Cover your freaking mouth and don’t say a word. You are just here to do whatever we say, without question, without thinking.” Mask-wearing was and still is a way to show public compliance to a false narrative.  And it set the stage for the next phase of a devious agenda.

Death is in the Medicine

And what was the next phase? Getting jabbed with the death shot. All the fear-mongering and hyperbole was being drummed up to a fever pitch which culminated in pushing people to beg for an answer, a solution to allay their fears and save them from certain death. So this beast system gave them a cure–the MRNA experimental death jab. This was a innovative new delivery system according to the Big Pharma, one far superior to vaccines of the past. The novel MRNA technology would work basically by introducing spike proteins into your body that would force your body to produce antibodies against the so-called Covid virus. At least that’s the premise that was contrived for public consumption. You follow this link to get a better understanding how this was supposed to work.

These MRNA shots we were told would save humanity. The CDC and other institutions along with mass murderer and psychopath Anthony Fauci suggested that the shots were both safe and effective. However, when we lift the covers we see a very different story. In fact, data from animal trials by Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca all showed the dangers of the MRNA injection. These animal studies which used rats, hamsters, and monkeys showed a horrible pattern. In every case where these animals were injected they died in relatively short order. Yet, that did not stop the FDA from approving these weapons of mass destruction. Why should it? After all, the shots were a success. They performed as expected. They exterminated each and every recipient of the shot. Here are some links that may give you more light on the subject.

Every COVID test animal was killed immediately

Doctor Says mRNA COVID Shot Animal Trials Were Halted Because Animals Were Dying

Cattle die after MRNA injection

So now the populous is being herded up for the slaughter. Remember the phrase “herd immunity”. This was just a euphemism for herd slaughter. And most of the public bought it hook, line, and sinker. Look at all the so-called leaders or authorities that parroted that lie…doctors, clergy, politicians, mainstream media, athletes, celebrities. Yes, many embraced strong delusion and many have paid with their lives or health.

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